Puppy Training and Care
Congratulations on your new puppy! Bringing a dog into your home and family can be an extremely rewarding experience, but it also carries with it quite a bit of responsibility. Please consider the following information as it’s needed to make some good decisions regarding your new puppy.
Recommended reading: Selecting a Name for Your Puppy.
Preparing your Home
When you have a new puppy you will quickly learn that little can rival the curiosity of young pup. They will eat, chew, sniff, climb and play with virtually everything they can get their little paws on. Puppy proofing your home isn’t just intended to protect your pup, it protects your home as well. Although they look cute, puppies can do a lot of damage.
The first mistake many people make when bringing home a new puppy, is giving their new puppy free reign of the home. If given the opportunity a pup will use your entire home as it’s personal bathroom. For this reason, you should designate a small puppy proofed area as your puppies space when you first bring them home. Most people choose an area in their kitchen, bathroom or laundry room for this purpose.
Recommended reading: Puppy-Proofing your Home.
Puppy Supplies
Prior to getting a new puppy it is important to get a few necessary care items. This would include a collar, leash, food bowl, water bowl and food. When you buy food make sure you buy puppy food. Puppies have different nutritional needs than adult dogs. Optional supplies may include training pads, a crate, toys and a dog bed.
Here is a complete list of recommended puppy supplies to buy before and after you get your puppy
Puppy Check-ups
When you get a new puppy one of the first things you should do is make an appointment with a veterinarian. First and foremost, your puppy needs to be examined to ensure they are in good health. It is not uncommon for puppies to be sick or parasitic when they first come to a new home. However, like a child a new puppy also needs vaccinations and regular check-ups to ensure it grows up healthy and strong.
Socializing and Training your Puppy
Your puppy as well as every member of your family will gain a range of benefits by participating in a puppy training class. Your puppy will learn some of the most basic and yet important manners that will help him step into adulthood. If your puppy is of a breed that has a natural tendency toward shyness, puppy training is even more critical in order to provide your dog with the best start in life possible.
The purpose of socializing a puppy is to introduce him to as many experiences as possible to prevent the development of behavioral problems. A well-socialized puppy that has already experienced an assortment of things, heard different noises, been taken to different places, interacted with different people and children will become more adaptable and confident.